Posted by: Brian | April 15, 2013

ANTH 3130: Excavating Hamline History – Fall 2013


2011 Class Excavating at Old Main

This post is for Hamline students interested in registering for my fall class ANTH 3130: Excavating Hamline History.

This class offers a unique opportunity to participate on an archaeological excavation as part of an interdisciplinary and collaborative project. It’s an interdisciplinary class because of the students. I ask each of you to contribute to the overall project goals based on either your major studies or other areas of interest and expertise that you have.

Your contribution may be in a research area – where you apply your research skills to questions about the site, or the artifacts, or the historical background. The first time I taught this course we excavated Hamline University’s original Hall of Science, a three story brick building constructed in 1887. A chemistry major in the class analyzed the chemical composition of the building’s bricks, a history major collected oral history accounts from alumni and faculty, an economics major analyzed 125 year-old bills and receipts from the building’s construction, and an archaeology student analyzed the distribution of glass artifacts recovered in our excavations.

Other students contributed by presenting and interpreting our project in various media including designing a web site, filming a video, writing a play, printing posters, and putting together an exhibit. We also had an education major that brought over Hancock 6th graders so they could experience archaeology first hand. Our philosophy major examined the ethics of archaeology. And our environmental studies major looked at the intersection of environmental protection and cultural resource management laws.


Max and Mike excavating at Old Main.

One other area that students can contribute is by making the project more connected to the Hamline neighborhood and Hamline University communities. The Hamline History Project, at its heart, is a community archaeology project. One of the goals of our class is to provide opportunity for community involvement in our excavations. We work closely with the Hamline-Midway History Corp to define research questions and identify sites for excavation. We also have Saturday open digs so that anyone can participate in the excavations. I particularly like to see parents and their kids exploring first hand the archaeology of their community. Students have contributed to the public history component of our project


Meaghan (in red shirt) and her public art project (Fall 2011).

through their work in community and University organizations and in media relations. The last time I taught the class, an art student created a participatory art project – where people could help paint a picture of University Hall (the predecessor to Old Main) while we dug the site.

The point is, you can pursue just about any idea you want – from art to women’s studies. What you need is an ability to collaborate on other people’s projects, an enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research, and a willingness to connect with the community in the exploration of our neighborhood’s public history.

Our muddy trench at the 2009 Church site dig.

Our muddy trench at the 2009 Church site dig.

In addition to your own projects, you will be expected to participate in the fieldwork – which means you’ll be working outside on a sunny afternoon in September (which is a lot of fun), but you’ll also be working outside on a snowy day in November (which can be a little cold and muddy). Each student is also expected to help with our community outreach. You will need to be available for at least one Saturday during September and October.

I don’t yet know what sites we’ll be digging this fall. I’d like to continue our excavations of the Territorial Road. I’d also like to do some more ‘backyard’ sites. The vacant lot north of Hewitt on the east end of campus used to have several houses – so there’s a lot of backyard to dig just on campus. Other campus sites we might dig include a fire station located near the Drew Fine Arts building, Old Main, and (if we can find it), the farmstead that pre-dated the Hamline campus.

If this sounds interesting then write a brief comment to this post outlining what ways you could contribute to this fall’s class. Also tell me a little bit about yourself (including your major and year). Finally, I would like to know why you are interested in joining the class and what you hope to gain from your participation. You may want to look at posts tagged as “Hamline History” to get a better idea of what this class is all about. You can find these posts by clicking “Hamline History” under Categories on the right side of this blog. In particular, you may want to check out what students wrote when I offered the class in 2009 and 2011.

If you take this class be prepared for a challenge, some fun, and a non-traditional educational experience.

Registration note: I recommend that everyone sign-up for a back-up class if your turn to register comes up before I have decided which of you to accept into this class.


  1. My name is Liz Casperson and I am currently a sophomore with a major in Psychology, co-major in Elementary Education and a minor in Anthropology.
    I could contribute to this falls class by bringing more kids into the mix on days where there is an open dig and also bringing in the community more. As a future educator, I think it is so important to teach students to learn more hands-on activities and know how to successfully build analyzing skills.
    This would be a great way of learning new ideas and approaches to making lesson plans more effective for my future students, and for sure sharing these ideas with my fellow Education majors.
    I really want to take this course because I like to challenge myself and I love learning new things from other people.

  2. Yvonne Thorpe, Sophmore, Anthropology major, French minor

    I hope to contribute to this class through my summer collaborative research project on the Levin backyard site. My hope is that this research will result in the creation of a lab protocol for historic backyard site materials. Participating in the Hamline History class would be a great way to apply, supplement, and expand this research. This would be a great opportunity to share what I learned over the summer and continue to learn from my peers through new approaches. This class will also be a great way to practice the skills I have learned in Lab Techniques and Field School.
    I am interested in this course because I do not have as much experience with archaeology in more urban settings. I believe backyard sites have a large potential to contribute to community history and the field of archaeology. I also think this is a great class to learn how to collaborate across disciplines, an important skill for any major.

  3. Hello, my name is Erik Myster and i am currently a First Year student double majoring in Political Science and Economics with a possible minor in Spanish. I hope to contribute by looking into what it took to get this building built (Permits, City Hall votes, public movement) as well as why it isn’t still here. As a Political Science major i find it is very important to understand the process that our democratic-republic goes through just to construct and destroy a building. I would love to join this class for multiple reasons. The first reason is that my father is an archaeologist and used to take me on digs during my childhood and i am really interested in learning more about the discipline. The second is i have lived near Hamline my whole life and i would love to learn more about the school and sites history. The most important reason is just this is a very interesting discipline and i would love to contribute and help with the project.

  4. My name is Austin Abramson and I am currently a sophomore double majoring in Philosophy and History.

    I can contribute to this class through my philosophical approach to historical information and alternative methods of questioning. Also due to military service I enjoy getting dirty and digging out the parts of society that have been long forgotten by many around us which is why I love history. Being both a philosophy and history major I am able to appreciate an artifact of historical significance by both understanding the educational value it holds for teaching future generations about how those before us lived and learned. But also by questioning certain aspects of life and society that may not normally be considered but through my own curious nature will be posed.

  5. Hi my name is Ian Bakke I am a senior majoring in anthropology, social studies and co-majoring in education. The reason I would enjoy taking this course is that it provides a link between my majors and continues to grow the skills I learned from the archaeology field school last summer. After taking the museums course offered by Professor Davies that utilized the artifacts from the Hamline History collection, I would like to have the opportunity to really dive in and understand how it works within the community firsthand. This is where the education portion would come in working with the kids from Hancock or others schools that would be interested in getting involved from the Hamline-Midway area.

  6. Hello! My name is Colette Hayward and I am a Women’s Studies and Anthropology double major. I live 35 minutes north of Hamline and commute to class everyday but I love the opportunities that going to this university have led to, such as this course. I will be a senior at Hamline next year and I would really love the opportunity to participate in a class before I graduate that is hand’s on like this one! I read many of the past years’ student comments and I think I would be the first Women’s Studies major to be a part of this class. With this major I can bring a different light to the excavation process; I can look into the different roles women and men played in the past that may contribute to what artifacts we discover over the semester. I have worked with different aspects of marketing in past jobs and I believe I could work to promote community participation in the fieldwork to teach others the importance of anthropology in daily life. I am currently enrolled in my first archaeology course, Arctic Archaeology, and I would really enjoy doing the detail-oriented work that we learn about in class. My Anthropology major would allow me to perfect my observation, planning, and collaboration skills by working as a team throughout the semester to uncover the history of and around Hamline University. I am fascinated by the fact that people leave things behind and archaeologists dig them up only to interpret what they mean and how they were used.

    I would like to learn the hands-on side of archaeology and I think this course is perfect. Much of what I have learned about Anthropology has been through lecture and this is the part that I am missing. I have not participated in too many activities on campus because I am a transfer student and I am only just getting to know other students on campus. I think this would be an amazing opportunity to meet people in other majors as well as in my own; it would be interesting to hear their ideas and see the wide range of knowledge Hamline majors provide to their students! My Women’s Studies background has taught me how to work with a wide range of people, their personalities, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders. Along with all those differences comes different views of the world; I hope to hear and understand those views and work to combine them with others and my own. I wouldn’t mind getting my hands dirty at school either, the non-traditional structure of this course is innovative and prodigious and ultimately what attracted me to it. Enhancing the skills and abilities I already have would be a benefit, but I hope to learn new ideas throughout the semester to help me succeed in life after graduation.

    Having many Anthropology and Women’s Studies courses under my belt I feel like I would be able to contribute different viewpoints as well as integrate valuable resources that other majors may not include. I would love to take this course in the fall of 2013 and I appreciate you taking the time to consider me!

    • I almost forgot! I think with my major I will be able to look at material culture and gendered use of spaces more in depth then has been possible in the past. Depending on our dig-site I will attempt to reconstruct household and/or community space and see whether it was male or female dominated. Both of my majors will also help me better evaluate the occupation of public versus private space to see who was using it and for what purposes!

  7. My name is Megan Harding and I am a senior majoring in anthropology. I would like to take this course as a continuation of my summer research project on Hamline’s Hall of Science and hope that I will be able to help others in the class with the knowledge I gain this summer and from my past archaeology classes. I do not have any experience in urban archaeology and am excited to learn more about the community we live in.

  8. Hello! I am Marisa Gonzalez an I am a double major in Anthropology and English. In my spare time I am a photographer for the Hamline Oracle and I volunteer at the Minnesota History Center and the American Swedish Institute (where I have been volunteering and working for almost 14 years).
    I hope that from my museum experience I will be able to bring a perspective from the representation side to artifacts- something that I also learned a lot about from David Davie’s Museums class. Also, being an English major I hope to bring an analytical perspective to the class.
    In the future, I hope to work in museum collections, but I have yet to have any experience in archaeology, in actually finding artifacts. I would love to take this class to not only expand my experience but also my understanding of what makes an artifact- not just what it is, but also how it is found and interpreted.

  9. Hi, my name is Andrew Maas. I am double majoring in Communications and Political Science.

    When I was a young lad, my dream was always to be a paleontologist and excavate the land in search of next big dinosaur. That dream never came to fruition and instead, I decided to study people instead, via Communications and Political Science.

    Anthropology, much like Communications, looks at people, just in different ways. I have never taken an anthropology course, but it always has fascinated me, but I have never been able to have an opportunity to study it until this upcoming fall semester. Many of this class will probably consist of people who have taken many anthro courses in the past, so being a non-science major will allow me to have a unique perspective than others in the class. Being a Communication major, I can use that knowledge I have acquired over my years in college and use it to explain anthropological happenings and combine the two subjects. As a political scientist, it’s always important to know about society and how we function. An anthropology course such as this one will give me hands-on knowledge and valuable information I can use to further my career in the long run as a Communication and Political Science major, as many of the theories and concepts of anthropology can relate quite nicely to them.

    I remember on one of my tours of campus a few years back, I saw people digging in the dirt around Old Main. I was confused at first, until my tour guide explained that it was a class. Since then, I have really wanted to be a part of this class and “dig in”, learn, and experience it myself. Although I probably won’t be a paleontologist, perhaps I will help us stumble across dinosaur bones, or at the very least, something interesting in the process, while learning a ton as well.

    • Also worth noting that I will be a senior, so this is my last opportunity to take such a course.

  10. My name is Kacie Phillips and I am a sophomore at Hamline, majoring in History, with a minor in Art History. I will be able to contribute to the project with my research and analytical skills gained from being a history major. I am very interested in this course because it would give me the opportunity to apply my research to more than just an essay. From Prof. Davies’ Visual Anthro class, I have made connections in the neighborhood that may be able to participate in open digs. It would also be beneficial for me to experience new learning approaches. Growing up on a farm, I am not afraid to get dirty and would really enjoy being able to do academic work outside, no matter the weather. I would really like to take this class to learn more about local history and apply that knowledge to a larger class project.

  11. Arianna Elm- Anthropology major

    Through the Excavating Hamline History class I will use the research directly for my Honor’s project on the Territorial Road. During this class I would like to find more information on the Territorial Road and connect with the neighbors and give them site information on the previous research that has been done. I will work with Kevin Reider to create the site form from the road site and I will do research to find potential new excavation areas. This will be important as well for public archaeology because I will make connections in the neighborhood that could gain more insight on the history of hamline including oral histories and possibly even new sites. I would like to gather more information/artifacts to create a larger collection to analyze on the Territorial road then eventually create the digital maps of the site and site reports. I would also like to create a research paper on ox-carts to determine if the remnants found in previous excavations are in fact from ox-carts traveling in and out of this area. I think being part of this class will give me the opportunity to work hard on finding more information on the Garvey site and collaboration with the other students could provide new insights into the archaeology of Hamline’s History.

  12. My name is Steve Goranson and I am a Junior now at Hamline. I am double majoring in anthropology and history. I would bring to this class my skills gained in the volunteer archaeology lab and I also volunteer with MHS and have gained some public experience working there. I will also contribute a public history aspect and enjoy working with the community and taking what we learn and brining it to the public for the people in the area to learn about. I want to work with people and work on furthering my archaeology skills and learn how to translate that back to the community. People need to learn more about their local history and this can be a great way to do that.

  13. Jennifer Ashley (Sophomore) – History Major

    Through this class I hope to learn skills that will benefit me in a History related career. Some day I hope to work at least for a little while in a Museum and I hope that this course would teach me how to handle artifacts with care and to look at them with a whole new perspective. I think it would be beneficial for me as a History major to learn more about local history since my main focus so far has been at the “big pictures” of history. I’d love a chance to take the challenge of looking at things that are close to me and that require a more finite glance. I also hope that this class will give me experience in Anthropology and archeology.

    I will be able to contribute to this course with the research skills I have from becoming a History major and taking many courses here at Hamline that require research. Being a History major has also given me the ability to ask thought provoking questions that I hope would lead to good group discussions. Also, since I have started here at Hamline I have developed a deep connection with the area so I will bring a passion for knowledge, learning, and discovering what lies beneath the surface here.

    I believe that the benefits for me of taking this course, and the insight I can bring to this class make me a good candidate.

  14. My name is Lauren Fahrendorff, and I’m currently a freshman.The love-hate relationship I have with my indecisiveness goes way back, thus my major is undecided.

    This class really struck my interest because I’ve always held a fascination for Minnesota’s history. I grew up on a piece of Minnesota history, a 100 year old farm home in Chisago county. When I was younger, I spent many hours, shovel in hand, digging up old artifacts behind the old chicken coop and around the ruins site of the original cabin, the first homestead, built around 1854.

    I believe I can contribute a genuine curiosity and a willing spirit to this course. I’d love to have the opportunity to physically learn the history of where I grew up and where I plan on raising my family someday. I have a deep connection to where I’ve grown up and the history of my hometown, and I would be thrilled to be able to expand my knowledge to other regions of the state I call home.

  15. My name is Grayson Gessner and I am a senior with a major in Religion and a minor in Anthropology. This class is of interest for me because I have always had a love for the more kinetic, hand-on relationship with the things that I love to learn about. When I was young I always wanted to be an archaeologist, but that changed when I grew older. The interest in artifacts and archaeology, however, has not faded at all.

    I hope I can contribute to the class through my interest in people and demographics. By analyzing what we find I hope to learn about the people who inhabited or patronized the are that we excavate. The local history of our area is also of interest to me, as it paints a picture of what things were like in the same place, but in a different time.

  16. Hello, my name is Demian Ya Deau. One of my key interests in history is revolutionary history. The reason behind this interest is due to the massive level of change that occurs within the society. It isn’t just the institutional changes that interest me, but the ideologies at play for these changes to have occurred. I believe firmly that this type of interest can be re-applied to this course. Anthropology is a recognized social science for historians to use. Anthropology offers key insight for historians on the society being studied, that may otherwise have been overlooked. Hamline being the oldest university in Minnesota has a rich history, with generations of artifacts left to be discovered. As a near complete History major I have already done extensive work on changes that occur within society. I will be able to re-apply this skill to how artifacts correlate with the historical time period of Hamline University. From there I will be able to compare and contrast different possible mentalities of past generations of Hamline. Furthermore I have done extensive backpacking in South America, and am quite accustomed to being around dirt, since I was covered with it for days at a time. A couple hours of getting dirty and being cold will just bring me back to the summer days.

  17. My name is Jared Zemlin. I am currently a freshman and am planning to major in anthropology with a possible history minor.
    This class interests me because I plan on becoming an archaeologist and I am also a fourth generation Hamline student. I think it would be interesting to get a look at some of what Hamline was like back when my great-grandfather and grandparents came here.
    I am also interested in the history of the school and in how the campus grew since the school was founded. I can also bring in stories from my grandparents and parents about what their time here was like and how the school has changed since they came here.
    I think this class is a valuable opportunity for me to learn about the history of the school and the surrounding area.

  18. Hi my name is Kirsten Gustafson and I am currently a first year at Hamline. I am completely undecided about my major but am considering a marketing major, and a minor in German for the time being. Because I am overwhelmingly undecided on my path in college, I am open to trying some new classes. I am not the greatest at science courses like chemistry and physics, and also not too great with math. Due to this problem, I believe this class would be a great class to fulfill one of my required natural science courses, but it will also offer a hands on look at another possible field of study. I am interested in this course because I struggle with strictly learning out of a book, and by actually being able to physically acquire my education in the course would be beneficial. I have also been a huge Minnesota history nut, especially when it comes to unearthing old stories of people that lived before the lands here have become what they are today. I’ve spent an enormous amount of my time as a child, and as an adult today listening to stories from my dad about who my ancestors were, what they did and where we came from, and I think this would be a great extension of information I keep with me.

    In terms of bringing skills to the course, I have taken many business classes in high school and competition that have taught me how to become a more dedicated and hard working person. I have learned how to make and give speeches. Another huge skill is being able to take a specific idea, research it and put it into words in an essay. With my business classes and my college writing class, I have learned how to look into a specific topic, research, and write papers that define and clarify a purpose. I also believe that I could contribute because I am interested in new subjects, and would enjoy learning with everyone in class. I like working with other people on projects like this, and it would be a fun class to be in.

    I am hoping to gain some further knowledge in this field of anthropology. With this class I hope to learn what is taught and what we can do with it. I would also like to fulfill my natural science course, with a class that I will enjoy and be able to understand. Because this class is such a hands on course, I think I will be able to do well in this class and enjoy it as I am doing it.

  19. Hello all! My name is Maria (mia) Johnson. I am a junior, soon to be senior, here at Hamline. I am so excited that this course is being offered again. I missed last session and have been bummed out about it since. I am a legal studies major and a philosophy minor. I know, it has nothing to do with anthropology. But that just means I have a fresh perspective, right?  As far as the skill sets that I could contribute goes, as a law and philosophy student, I have an open and skeptical mind. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions about what we find. And I think that is important. Before we come to a conclusion we need to think of every other possible answer. That also happens to me my experts. Yay skepticism!

    I also have more to offer to the class and my classmates. I work at a local elementary school and could defiantly get the students interested in being involved. I am sure one of the science teachers would jump for joy at the opportunity to take their class to an actual dig site.

    I was also thinking about continuing friends of mine’s website that he started when he took this class, David Tomenez. I would be mapping out the site and making the findings available to the public. I think that this would be a good fit for me because me and David come from the same educational background so it would be easy for me to follow along and continue his work.

    As I said I am so excited for this class. I would bring a driven, upbeat attitude which would be essential for us to all work together on digging up Hamline’s history rock by rock!

  20. My name is Noelle Russell and I will be a sophomore this Fall. I am double majoring in Marketing and International Business with a minor in Spanish.

    My love for history and adventure is what excites me about this course. Forever an optimist, I am always ready to explore. Digging around my grandparents 100 year old farm when I was little nurtured my desire to discover artifacts and look into how they once benefitted people’s everyday lives. Referencing history, I continue to seek explanations for the use of objects and how they once played a role in society.

    I know that I can contribute to the success of this course. As an intern in the web marketing department here at Hamline, I have gained knowledge and experience for creating and thoroughly developing websites. Along with making edits to the webpage for Hamline, I also created a blog for a literature course I took last year as well as created the content for the Barn Quilts of Carver County webpage (, where I also volunteered in the making of quilt blocks to be displayed on historic barns across Carver County, my grandparent’s barn being one of them. I have plans to further my knowledge on the process of creating websites this summer when I revamp the family business and convert all sales to the web.

    After talking to a friend, I understand that a website was once started for this course. My keen eye and aspiration for aesthetic appeal will boost the function of the website, advocating the purpose and goals of this course. This past year I have also worked as an intern with General Mills on their social media marketing techniques. Understanding the need for constant coverage and a unique outlook, I can also translate what I have learned with General Mills to the website for this course.

    I also have an interest in event planning. My internship this summer is with a wedding planner who will take me through the steps of creating a successful event. I would love to host an open house showing for this course. At the end of the course, after delving into the history of Hamline and the many artifacts discovered, what better way to present our findings than with a fun, interactive, and educational event. With a love for history and art museums, I would propose the event as an exhibit. My photography and videography skills along with my acquired website building skills can easily be put to this task. Promoting the course via the web, the event would gain full coverage, allowing more people to learn about what we as a class have discovered.

    My background in marketing, business, and management would enhance the overall success of this course. With the connections I have in the web marketing, social media communications, and event planning departments here on campus, along with my admiration for history and learning, I am confident that my web building and event planning skills can be utilized throughout this course.

  21. My name is Adam Weiss and I am a first year, transfer student, and sophomore at Hamline. I am majoring in education and anthropology as well as minoring in psychology. I want to use the scientific lenses of anthropology and psychology as an academic gateway to study people. I wish to study Education, simply, because I believe it is the most important this in this world.

    I am very involved on and off campus and would like to bring these resources to this class in any way possible. I am on the Drew Residence Hall council and the Executive Board of the Hamline Martial Arts Club. I teach a martial arts class on campus and I am networking with both on and off campus organizations constantly for it.

    I am a certified as a martial art instructor under MKG International and have been teaching martial arts for about three years. I also have instructorships from Alexandria Technical & Community College in Defensive-Tactics/Use-of-Force and the expandable-baton used by law enforcement.

    As part of my education major, I have been working and networking in Hamline Elementary and Crossroads Elementary over the last year. I believe that sharing anthropology with young students can be a great way to help them reevaluate their own education, learn strategies of understanding the world, instilling responsibility in themselves and deciding to take action.

    I bring a different element to the table than many other students at Hamline. My life experiences range from taking care of horses at a day-camp for youth to helping train Corrections-Emergency-Response-Teams, and from working for the largest mall in the country to suicide prevention and post-traumatic stress care.

    On a final note and for the sake of honesty, I need to take this class to complete Hamline anthropology major requirements. I would love to get my Natural Science Credential in my chosen major field of anthropology.

    Thank you for your consideration and I sincerely hope to join Professor Hoffman and other Hamline students in this exciting and muddy adventure.

  22. HI there,

    I am Alyshia Rueckert. I am a Legal Studies Major with a communication minor and possible another minor in forensic Science.

    Hamline was my first choices in school to go to when I was looking for a college. I loved the history of Hamline. This class really interests me because before I leave I really want a better understanding of what Hamline was like before I got on this campus. I want to know what it was like 30 years ago, and I think this class will be able to give me some of that information. Furthermore, I think this class specifically has a very interesting aspect of how we all working our own individual project but have an overarching group goal.

    An interesting aspect I could bring into this class is the information associated in the legal aspect of archaeological dig. If there are rules/law (nationally, specific individual countries, and internationally) as to what, where, when, and how the presses of a dig needs to be enacted. Furthermore, I would like to understand where the products go once they are found from an archaeological dig, and who they belong to. I would like to track the history of the laws and rules already in-place pertaining to archaeological digs.

  23. Thanks to everyone for commenting on this blog. I’ve made my selections for the class. I’m sorry for those of you who didn’t make it this year and I look forward to working with the rest of you this fall.

  24. My name is Victor Harris. I am at Hamline on the GI bill due to almost 34 years in the Marine Corps and will be starting my senior year in the fall. Up to a week ago, I was majoring in History and East Asian Studies with minors in Anthropology and Chinese. But, after a conversation with my advisor, things have changed to now majoring in History and Anthropology with a minor in East Asian Studies. I still have Chinese as a language requirement. I am considered to be a transfer student, only due to the fact that some of my credits from the University of Minnesota (many, many, many moons ago) were transferred to Hamline. Back then, I majored in Computer Science and Biometry. I am a history-nut and I am interested in all cultures. I also believe that the fields of History and Anthropology go hand in hand to open the windows to mysteries of the past. I have lived in the Twin cities area most of my life and remember the days of the street cars that traveled along University and my experiences in the area pre-dates the creation of I94. Although I grew up a few miles to the east of Hamline I have a interest in the history of the Hamline area, an interest that has grown since I have become associated with Professors Hoffman and Davies. I cannot wait to get my hands dirty seeking the answers to many questions in my head about this area of the city. I believe that what I learn here will help to provide a gateway to my quest of possibly solving similar question about the people and cultures in other parts of the world, such as East Asia. I am looking forward to joining the rest of the class on a full rounded adventure.

  25. Hi my name is Melissa Cortes and I will be a junior this fall. I am majoring in Political Science with hopes of Spanish and Legal studies minors.
    Anthropology is something that has interested me since my first semester at Hamline. I feel that it is a field of study that involves more than the “science of humanity”. The in-depth cross-cultural comparisons and observations that Anthropology emphasizes can be applied to current day events that occur in the political world. It is essential to understand these areas of research and my hopes are to be an advocate at the political level to preserve our history and the future of Hamline. I am taking a public service emphasis to my Political Science major and my hopes are to contribute my passion for community and hands-on involvement to this class and excavation site.
    I am a person who loves Hamline and thinks that there is a duty to protect the things I love. My hopes are to bring the Hamline and St. Paul community together to take action and preserve its rich history. As a past Hamline tour guide, this archeological dig will give me more reasons to share and boast about the fascinating Hamline history to possible future pipers. I hope to learn new techniques and skills on the excavation site and new methods of academic learning from one another. I look forward to hopefully working with you all in the classroom and in the fields.

  26. My name is Peter Kane Crumley, I will be a senior in the fall. my major is studio art, and i am seeking an anthropology minor. I want to pursue a graduate education and work as an artistic anthropologist. i think that i would be an asset to this class for my studies in studio art, and the specialized skill of observing things objectively and closely that i have acquired in my major.a previous student in this class, David Tomenes suggested that i continue to maintain and update the website he started in your class, and to prepare it to be taken up by another student in a following semester. i also am exceptionally well acquainted with hamline’s campus, having worked on grounds keeping staff ive encountered many of the features of Hamline that have been buried, as well as having a good knowledge of past landscaping changes that have been made by the current and previous grounds keeping staff. I look forward to hopefully joining this class for a fun, active semester

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